I really quite enjoyed this one! Great usage of color in all the illustrations, firstly. Very pleasant to look at as an enjoyer of the arts, hehe.
It was an interesting challenge exploring everything the first time, but not so impossible (like some point-and-click games can sometimes be) that I felt like quitting immediately. Then the following playthroughs I did were faster, but I found myself completing the puzzles in a different order and seeing how that worked out, such as finishing the game without your ears. Apparently you can heat up the liquid in the syringe even before you ever filled it up with blood...
(I took off half a star in the scoring because there was no main menu button. I had to refresh the page to get different endings. Wasn't hard to do, but the option to restart in-game would be nice.)
It felt cool seeing the five different endings on how to interact with the operator. I think touching him must've been the worst one! How disgusting that both touching him and trying to pick him up yields such awful results... With that being said, great job on the horror aspect - and describing the properties of all the objects when using the different senses! You lovely people deserve more credit for this game. It was wonderful. Thank you!